Sunday, November 13, 2011

An Introduction

Fifteen years ago I wrote a little booklet with a similar title to this blog, "The Basics of Biblical Breastfeeding". It was published in a magazine for Christian women called "Welcome Home Australia".

Recently I have been reading so much about the Bible being used in a negative way in regard to the feeding, care and nurture of tiny babies. There are a couple of books around that I find alarming, and even Facebook pages devoted to this misguided and destructive style of parenting.How self proclaimed Christian people in "ministry" can teach such things is impossible for me to imagine, but I must assume they do not know the same loving merciful Lord I do!

Then there are the baby whisperers and nannies, all apparently "experts" with many fans. Most of these people aren't saying they are Christian, and that's just as well!

It's all quite confusing for new parents, who do you listen to, how do they know what is best for YOUR baby, who to believe and why believe them? All good questions from intelligent people.

I guess my great concern is for Christian parents and this is whom I will address in this blog although all are welcome to join me.

I will publish my booklet here, in parts, and create a forum for comments and further discussion in more blog posts.

I look forward to sharing with you, hearing your thoughts and comments and also hearing about your own experiences and in all things, above all, giving the glory to God.  All scriptures I use are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible available online at

and here is the first one to launch this new blog, from Isaiah 66

11 Drink deeply of her glory
      even as an infant drinks at its mother’s comforting breasts.”
 12 This is what the Lord says:
   “I will give Jerusalem a river of peace and prosperity.
      The wealth of the nations will flow to her.
   Her children will be nursed at her breasts,
      carried in her arms, and held on her lap.
 13 I will comfort you there in Jerusalem
      as a mother comforts her child.”

I can only assume from scriptures like this, that breastfeeding is a blessing and that babies are to be fed, held and comforted.

Looking forward to sharing this new journey with you
Lynn xx


  1. Bless you Lynn! Such a worthwhile endeavour.
    I'm looking forward to reading your inspired words.


  2. Thanks so much Maureen :) The legacy of "Welcome Home Australia" continues in so many ways, and I am thankful for the wisdom you have brought into so many lives, especially mine! Bless you!

    with love


  3. :) Love this! I get alot of negative feedback IRL by those who know that Lilly is still nursing at the age of 44 months. My previous I nursed until 30 months. My first 23.5 months. So they each have gotten longer ;-P And I am sure that it is normal...because it feels normal. I look forward to reading more of your information. Especially anything on extended nursing :)

  4. Hi Pam, fancy meeting you here ; ) Thank you for your comments, much appreciated. I have been sidetracked from this blog recently but you have encouraged me to get back to it with a passion, there are so many moms like you, struggling against negative comments and ignorance, while wanting to do what is best for their baby/young child. Good on you for continuing to follow your child and your heart. I breastfed my first born for two and a half years, the last six months tandem feeding with #2. I breastfed #2 for almost two years (she refused to feed once I was about seven months pregnant, I was disappointed at the time). My third baby was fed until she weaned herself, at five years of age. My fourth and last baby, I threw caution to the wind lol and let her decide when she had had enough. She had her lest feed at five years and three months. The weaning was a long slow process, and I did not feed my children in public once they were two years old. They could usually understand by then that "feedies" were for when we were at home, not out. It also saved me explaining, defending, discussing my choice to allow child led weaning, and this was between 1989 and 1999. I don't believe anything has changed since then, sadly.

    So be encouraged, you are doing a wonderful job and there are some mothers, like you will find right here, who understand and encourage such healthy and positive behaviour.

    Bless you and your children
    with love
    Lynn xx
